Monday, August 8, 2011

Video games on vacation...without quarters!

I am, of course, referring to Disney Quest, one of my favorite places to visit in WDW.  The price of Disney Quest is not included in your park ticket, but it completely and totally worth the money for a day.  Inside of this "indoor theme park" in Downtown Disney are hundreds of games, from arcade shoot outs to virtual reality to Dance Dance Revolution to a tabletop Ms. Pacman.  You can play all the games you want (provided everyone plays nice and takes turns) and you will never need quarters.  During a previous family trip, my mom and I stole my cousin (who was visiting Disney with his wife and very excited/rambunctious/typical 3-year-old son), for a much needed time of tuning out and letting off some steam.  It broke up the monotony of the trip for him and I beat him at one of the target shooting games, and he's a police officer.  I rule!  Disney Quest is unique because although it still has the mouse, it's not overly cutesy so it would be a great place to send a grumpy teenager for the day, too.

If you or your family are gamers, then Disney Quest is the place to visit.

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